Independent Colleges and Universities Contribute to the State's Overall Prosperity
The Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU) has produced this analysis to highlight the economic benefits that independent colleges and universities bring to New York State through job creation and financial expenditures in local economies and throughout the state.

Higher education employment, which includes full-time and part-time faculty, staff, and graduate assistant positions accounts for about 3 percent of all jobs in New York (or, 302,000 of 9.6 million). The Independent Sector employs 65 percent of the people working at institutions of higher education in the state (196,000 of 302,000).
Nearly 90 percent of independent higher education jobs are faculty or professional positions. In total, after accounting for on-campus construction and spillover employment, the sector supported 407,000 jobs within the state. These jobs generated a payroll impact of $33 billion in fiscal year 2022-23.
Please find below the economic impact summary from each of the state's regions, in addition to statewide data.